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Covid As Teacher

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

Most people cannot think of learning from the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has brought to them mental, emotional. and physical stress. It has hit them hard in the pocket book and denied them freedoms to assemble with family, friends, and others for entertainment, fellowship, and the excitement and joy of worship according to the dictates of conscience. The coronavirus has forced people to stand in long lines to buy food, and items like Kleenex, towels and toilet tissue. Families are forced to live together in tight living quarters quarrel more due to boredom and frustration. Preachers who preach through zoom are challenged because they cannot see the eyes of the listeners nor hear their voices of affirmation.

Am I crazy for asserting that the coronavirus is a teacher? Am I just preaching a false gospel to myself?

Some in psychiatry like Sigmund Freud would say that I am guilty of wish fulfillment. To the contrary, my belief is more than aspirational. It is rooted in Philippians 4:8 ’What -ever is true, what-ever is honorable, what-ever is just, what-ever is pure, what-ever is pleasing. What-ever is commendable, if there is any excellence, and if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things’’.

Covid-19 teaches us: Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1 “The best made plans of mice and men often go awry.” said Robert Burns, the poet from Scotland. This does not mean that we should not plan. It does mean that we do not control the future. This is why we do not postpone what needs to be done today. Let us live with unnecessary regrets.

Covid -19 teaches us to not forget that every body dies. It is the time and place of our death that we do not know. If we knew, we would not go to that place. ‘’So teach us

to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. ‘’ Psalm 90:12 It is not how long we live that counts but how well

Covid 19 teaches us to take life as it comes and to make the most of every day by enjoying what we have instead of thinking about what we do not have. ’’Go eat your bread with enjoyment and drink your wine with a merry heart for God long ago approved what you do every day. Enjoy life with you mate or whoever brings you joy and laughter because every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows’’ Ecclesiastes 9:7 NRSV and James 1:17, NIV I am not crazy.

J Alfred Smith, Sr. Pastor Emeritus

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